Last Update : 01 April, 2023 | Published : 31 March, 2023 | 1 min to read


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The Compage by IntelOps community consists of people having industry experience of more than 30 years, we rally around one mission though which is:

Assist developers in building software with proper set of tools, standards, frameworks, quality, etc. for smoothening developer’s workflow by having secured practices in place. Sharing is caring!

You can participate and/or contribute to the community.

Discord Server

For any assistance, please reach out to use on Discord Server, it is an open and inclusive place, you can interact with the maintainers or simply hang out with the community and talk about anything around cloud-native, microservices, security and DevOps.

Community calls

We will soon have a few slots open for one-to-one connect with our core-developers. We encourage you to book time with the developers to understand the Compage by IntelOps better or share the idea.

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