Last Update : 13 May, 2023 | Published : 31 March, 2023 | 1 min to read

Creating MicroServices

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A node in Compage represents a microservice from developers perspective.

  • Developers can drag nodes to canvas after logging into Compage and creating/selecting project. [diagram]
  • Once the node is dragged and dropped, developer needs to add more properties to it. A dialog box is opened after double-clicking on the node.
  • Compage supports REST protocol as of now. That means, Code for REST servers and REST clients can be generated by Compage.
  • There are two ways to create REST servers as of now.
    • OpenAPI generator templates
    • Compage managed templates

Supported Languages by OpenApi generator templates

  • Go (go-server, go-gin-server, go-echo-server)
  • Java (java-play-framework,java-micronaut-server,java-undertow-server)
  • JavaScript (nodejs-express-server)
  • TypeScript (typescript-node,typescript-axios)
  • Ruby (ruby-on-rails,ruby-sinatra)
  • Python (python-flask)

Supported Languages by Compage managed templates

  • Go (go-gin framework)
  • Rust (in progress)

Now, based on your choice, framework needs to be selected.

  • You have to add port for Compage managed templates but for OpenApi Generator templates, you don’t have to supply it as it’s taken automatically. For OpenApi Generator templates, you have to upload a valid OpenApi specification file.
  • After adding all the properties to the node, you can create another node and follow the same steps to add property to it.
  • If you want to create connection between nodes, you can drag from source node to destination node.

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